Site Construction Finished

Ruoyu Zhong

I am very happy to let you know that after hours of work, the (first stage of) construction of this site is finally finished! Here is some of the work:

  • About information added & styles improved (And I’ve created a Chinese version too!1);
  • Music category added & several associated source code improvements;
  • New fonts applied: Source Sans Pro and Source Code Pro, two of my favourites2;
  • Some code optimisation;
  • Some hidden information added (where is it?);

However, there are still some improvements to be made. For instance, before this post is posted, the Blog section was empty. We should have expected to see a message “Nothing published yet.”, but it wasn’t shown.

HTML is still very new to me, but in the past few hours I have learned so much about it. I can now understand its powerfulness. Though not as powerful as HTML, Markdown is also a very useful tool for creating contents (like this post) quickly.

There are still several minor issues in the site. I will have them gradually solved.

  1. The page was removed after the reconstruction of the site, which was finished on 24 July 2020. 

  2. Update: due to an compatibility issue, the fonts have been changed to Noto Sans and Noto Serif. For the monospace font family, it uses a series of default fonts on different systems to ensure the quality of display.